News and Tips on structured settlement transfers.


Structured Settlements

Feb 13

What You Need to Know About Structured Settlements

When a person is fortunate enough to be awarded a settlement or win a large cash prize, many think they will undoubtedly choose to get their money in a large lump sum, but this isn’t actually the case. Instead, most people choose to get their money through structured settlement payments. This allows them to have a steady source of reliable income, and helps eliminate the chance of blowing all the money immediately through impulsive purchasing.

Basically, you are agreeing to accept your money in incremental payments, made over a period of time. How these payments are set up, however, is up to you, and you can decide on how much or how little is paid with these payments. It is even possible to arrange for part of your money to be made in payments, with the rest given in a lump sum amount.

Though this process may seem like it takes vary little thought, the choice between a lump sum and regular payments is not always an easy choice to make. While some may think regular payments are the best option, sometimes there can be a need for larger amounts than is possible with a structured settlement. But once your payment details have been set and agreed upon by you and by the court, you will have limited access to those funds, except for the regular payments.

Sometimes people need more money than these payments can provide, and that’s when they realize the problem with structured settlement payments. Even though the money is yours, you don’t have access to it. Even so, a competent settlement broker can help you get a lump sum by working with you to sell your settlement. A broker can put you in contact with a company which specializes in purchasing settlement payments, granting you access to the lump sum payment you need to meet your financial needs. They have contacts with many companies, and can quickly get you many offers to compare and choose from. They can also help guide you through the process of selling your structured settlement.

Choosing the right broker, however, is very important. Not every company can put you in contact with the best company for you, and some firms can be unscrupulous. Making sure the company you’ve chosen has a reputation for high satisfaction customer service can be vital to achieving your goals.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Feb 13

The Inner Workings of Structured Settlements

Structured settlements – payments set up over a period of time – have become a staple of modern life. From the lucky lottery winner, to victors of lawsuits and injury claims, structured settlements are all around us. What you need to know is exactly how these settlements and payouts work.

Understanding Structured Settlements

Structured settlements aren’t complicated; it takes very little effort to understand how they work. Basically, a structured settlement is a payment of a sum of money, in increments, over a set period of time. Payment of the sum awarded takes place over months, years, or even a person’s lifetime until the full amount owed has been paid.

Why Choose a Structured Settlement?

Understanding the advantages of structured settlements is necessary when learning about structured settlements and how they work. Even though you won’t get your money in one lump sum, there are many benefits to choosing structured settlements. For example, it can be very easy to blow a lump sum settlement in a short period of time, something that receiving smaller, structured payments prevents from happening. It also guarantees a steady, reliable source of tax-free income, if structured correctly.

Other Things to Consider

While structured settlement payments offer benefits and advantages, there are a few disadvantages as well. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage is, once the payments have been set, you can’t change them. You also can’t have full and complete access to the entire amount awarded to you, so if a need arises or something about your living situation suddenly changes, your smaller payments may no longer meet your needs. Knowing you have a large enough amount of money to seriously improve your situation, but with no way to get it, can be a very stressful position to find yourself in.

A Solution to the Problem

Luckily, there are ways to remedy this for people who find themselves in such a situation. There are companies, for example, who buy structured settlement payments and awards for lump sum amounts. Though you will get all of your money at one time, you won’t get the full amount owed you by your settlement. Still, you can use this lump sum for anything you want, from vacationing to making needed repairs and renovations to your home. Selling your payments can be a great choice when the need arises, but be sure choose your buyer carefully and do your research before making your decision.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Feb 13

Choosing Between Structured Settlement Buyers

Though many structured settlements are set up through a judge, they are not set in stone. While a structured settlement payment plan may be right for some people, for others it may no longer be the best for their changing and varied financial needs. These people may have immediate needs for a lump sum, such as paying for tuition or taking care of past due bills and obligations. However, there are companies out there that will purchase your settlement, providing you with the lump sum of cash you need to remedy your situation. When you decide to look for a company to care for your financial need, there are several things you must take into consideration.

Shop Around

One of the most important things you must understand is that not all companies who buy settlements and annuities are the same. There are good, trustworthy companies out there, but there are also shady and unscrupulous ones, and it is important for you to be able to spot the differences between these companies to avoid making a grave financial mistake. How do you know who to trust? Comparing the companies, as well as their offers, is the key to making the best decision possible.

Important Criteria When Comparing Companies

When choosing the right company for you, there are several criteria you should think about before making your final decision. All offers must be legal in your state and jurisdiction, for example. You should also make sure your company is offering the greatest percentage of your annuity or settlement. Of course, you will not receive 100% of the money owed to you through these settlements and annuities, but you should be able to get most of your money without worry.

Of course, you may only want to sell a portion of your annuity or settlement, and there are companies who are happy to do this as well. This way, you can get the cash you need for your situation without giving up the steady and reliable income a regular payment provides.

Consider Hiring a Brokerage Firm

Utilizing the services of a broker can help you make those all important decisions regarding your settlement or annuity. Choose a broker with the knowledge and experience of years of customer service, and a reputation for doing what it takes to get people the offers that best suit their unique individual financial needs.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Feb 13

The Advantage of Utilizing a Structured Settlement Broker

If you need the money you have been awarded from a settlement immediately, selling your settlement to a structured settlement broker is a very good choice. This is especially true if you are struggling through financial problems. Getting your money now can be essential when faced with mounting medical bills, bill collectors, and a loss of employment. Though, you should not try selling your settlement without the services of an expert in the field.

Making the Right Choice

Structured settlement offers can vary widely from company to company. Some companies may only want to purchase part of your settlement payments. Other companies might charge outrageous percentages and fees, meaning you will get less of your settlement than you actually deserve. Other companies could have a less than stellar reputation with the public. No matter your situation or specific needs, a structured settlement broker can help you make the best decision for you.

Quick, Competent Service

Another reason to go with a structured settlement broker is how quickly they can assist you with getting offers. Getting offers may take a while, because it can take a long time just to find a buyer if you attempt to do it on your own. However, when you enlist the services of a structured settlement broker, you could start receiving offers in no time at all. For people facing financial difficulties, getting things done quickly can be a lifesaver, because the quicker they get some offers, the quicker they can get the money they so desperately need.

Looking After Your Best Interests

Not all of the companies out there that buy structured settlements may be right for your particular situation. Some companies may have bad reputations, while others simply may not have terms that are right for you. A competent structured settlement broker can help you to look after your own best interests, and find a reputable buyer dedicated to giving you what you need to meet your needs and goals.

Utilizing a reputable broker will help provide access to a large selection of qualified buyers, help you find the information you need to make informed decisions, and help guide you through the process of selling your settlement. Regardless of how easy those late night infomercials make it seem, selling your structured payments can be a difficult task. An expert structured settlement broker can help you with the process and remove some of the difficulty for you.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Jan 13

Can a Structured Settlement Transfer be Blocked by the Court?

Many people rightfully think that the decision of how to best use their resources, like money, is theirs to make. This is especially true of annuities and structured settlements, although that might not actually be true. Many states have laws in place dictating how structured settlements are dealt with, especially transfers or sales. Can a court really block the transfer of a structured settlement? The most honest reply to that question is yes, the court can deny the transfer of a settlement, but there’s a little more to it than that.

A Little Investigating

You have to know about the history of the structured settlement brokerage industry to really know what’s going on. The predatory nature of some companies has caused many states and consumer advocates to hold a low opinion of structured settlement transfers. Preying on the desperate and needy, these companies convince them that the best option for their financial situation is selling their structured settlements.

Most states, however, now have laws on the books to protect consumers from these types of predatory companies. One of the immediate benefits of this is that all transfers or sales must go before a judge, who will determine if the transfer is in the payee’s best interests. In many cases, the judge denies the transfer, not allowing the sale to take place.

The Criteria for Denying a Transfer

The reasons for denying the sale or transfer of a structured settlement are many and varied. One of the most common reasons is that allowing the sale or transfer is “not in the payee’s best interests”. This can mean virtually anything, although there does seem to be mitigating factors. For example, there’s a good chance that the court will reject the transfer if the funding firm recommends that the payee seek legal counsel before entering into a transfer arrangement. The proposal will then be rejected if the court does not find proof of a real financial need on behalf of the payee.

Additionally, if the transfer is not deemed “fair and reasonable” the court may reject it. For example, chances are very good that they will not approve of the proposal if the funding firm offers a payout of only 50% of the total payments for the life of the settlement.

It is easy to see that there are many factors that could lead a court to reject the transfer of a structured settlement. Showing a real financial need, and working with a firm that’s offering fair terms, is your best defense against a court denying your sale.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Jan 13

Annuities and Structured Settlements: What’s the Difference?

Annuities and structured settlements have many similarities, and you might even make the mistake of thinking they are the same thing. Sure, they both pay regular payments to the people they are owed to over a specified time period, but the way state and federal laws see these two types of payments confirms that they are indeed different things. Let’s examine annuities and structured settlements and see exactly what the difference is.

Structured Settlements: An Examination

Basically, structured settlements are the result of winning a liability or personal injury lawsuit, and payments are set up to be made over an agreed upon period of time until the full amount due has been paid. These payments are made from a lump sum amount that the defendant, who has either settled or been found guilty, has set aside to satisfy the lawsuit. The term for this is “deferred payments”.

Annuities: A Closer Look

The financial tools investment firms, insurance companies, and the like use for administering payments are called “annuities”. Annuities are an investment in which the investor earns returns, in addition to the original investment amount, and which can have many beneficiaries. There are many different types and styles of annuities, and even lottery winnings can fall into this category if the winner chooses payments instead of a lump sum payment of their winnings.

Important Information

Once you get down to carefully comparing the two, the differences between structured settlement payments and annuities can be pretty glaring. As a beneficiary of a structured settlement or annuity payment, how do these differences affect you and your financial future?

Where you live, and how state and federal law apply to your individual transfer, will help determine how they affect you. The law will often allow the sale of structured settlement payments, but it can be different in the case of annuities. The process of selling an annuity can be difficult and confusing, which is why the expert advice of a settlement broker can be essential for helping you meet your transfer goals.

Working with a competent and skilled broker may be the best decision for someone who is considering selling their annuity. A broker with the reputation for competent, high-quality customer service and is a registered member of the Better Business Bureau can provide their clients with all the help they need to navigate the murky waters of transferring an annuity or structured settlement payment.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Dec 11

Buying Structured Settlements for a Lump Sum of Cash

So I am looking for someone to buy my structured settlement payments. Before I do this, I need to determine a couple of things. First, is this a good idea for me? Second, where do I turn when I want people to buy the rights to these payments? Once I answer these two questions, I will have a much better feeling on where my next move might lie. There are companies out there that specialize in buying structured settlement payment rights. They essentially assume your role and the person to be paid, buying structured settlement payments from you for a lump sum of cash.

Is it smart for me to sell my structured settlement payment rights?

Know that each person is different and this means that each person will have different motivating factors in regard to whether it makes sense to sell structured settlement payments. If you are a person with immediate money needs, then it does make sense to sell out for a lump sum. What kinds of needs might these be? For many, this will mean paying off the bills associated with a personal injury situation. For others, it might just mean paying off bills or getting themselves out of a difficult financial hole.

Other people do not have pressing financial needs at the current time, so the decision becomes a little bit more difficult for them. If I were in that situation and I were thinking about having someone buy my structured settlement payments, then I might first think about what I could do with the money. Some people want a lump sum payment right now because they feel that they have an angle on a good investment opportunity. If you have some means of investing the money to make it grow, then having a lump sum right now is much better than collecting structured settlement payments over the course of an extended time.

For all people, having money right now is better than having the same amount in the future. You remove the risk associated with receiving money later. Ultimately taking a lump sum now will cost you some cash, since the lump sum will be less than the value of the settlement payments. Many individuals feel that they can make up the difference with their investments, though.

So who would be buying structured settlements?

There are companies that buy the rights to your structured settlement payment receipts. These companies jump into your shoes and collect these periodic payments. They offer you a lump sum amount that is ideally enough to make you happy. It is key to find the company that offers the best deal with their lump sum so that you are getting premium value in this deal.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Jul 11

Medical Relief via Structured Settlement Sales

Sometimes selling your structured settlement payments becomes the best option for relief from debt. If you are deep in debt from a medical bill and are receiving a structured settlement, you can sell structured settlement to get a lump sum cash advance. You can then use this lump sum cash advance from selling your structured settlement to pay off the debt before it gets worse. In some cases, just the interest on your medical bills if you we not to pay them off promptly can be greater than the fees you may pay fro selling your structured settlement payments for a lump sum.

Get rid of that huge medical bill debt and sell structured settlement

If you have a huge medical bill, there is a good chance that you have a structured settlement, (and if you don’t, you might want to look into what y our options are).
Structured settlements are helpful to people who have sustained a serious injury and cannot work any longer. Sometimes, however, the regular amount of the structured settlement payment is not enough to lift them out of the debt that they acquired from the medical expenses that resulted from that injury.

With the large number of factoring companies offering this service, you should have little to no trouble selling your structured settlement payments. When it comes time to sell, refer to previous articles on how to find the right company for you. Once you find that company, you have no more waiting for your monthly structured settlement payment. No more worrying about your debt. No more fitting your huge medical bill debt into your monthly budget.

When you sell structured settlement and receive a lump sum cash advance you will suddenly have the luxury of paying off that huge medical bill and still have money to live off of.
So you decided to sell structured settlement and get a lump sum cash advance. Now what?

First, pay off that huge medical bill because it will keep building and will put you further into debt if you don’t. Then take whatever money you have left over from the lump sum cash advance you got and invest it. Make sure you invest wisely; in a way that you can gain enough interest that you can live on.

Make sure you speak to a professional about this. When you sell structured settlement and get a lump sum cash advance, there is always the danger that you will not be able to budget your money after you pay off your huge medical bill. Don’t let this happen to you!

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Jul 11

Making Sense of Selling Your Structured Settlement

When you want to sell your structured settlement payments some companies you may talk to will feed you the oh so popular line that “It’s your money” do do with as you please. Well, yes. It is your money. And, yes. You may spend it however you like. What the often won’t mention is that sometimes the reason for selling is valid, and sometimes your reason just doesn’t make good financial sense.

If you’re planning on going on a holiday shopping spree and need a little extra cash to fill the stockings, your structured settlement is not a good place to look for dollars.  However if you have gotten yourself into a situation where you are drowning in debt at very high rates, it may make financial sense to use part of your settlement to clear the books.

When faced with a serious financial crunch, some people hastily sell their annuities and structured settlements to the first company who would be willing to buy them for a lump sum amount. These companies who are willing to buy-out annuities and structured payments are commonly referred to as “Factoring” companies, because they use “Factors” to determine how much future payments are currently worth, and how much they should buy them for.

Many companies that advertise structured settlements web make the process seem easy. The process of selling your structured settlement can be a complicated legal process that requires court approval and can take up to 90 days to complete.  Structured settlements are not available in every state.

Selling your settlement under some of these scenarios can save you money and ensure you keep a solid credit rating, however it is critical to note that if you are going to sell all or part of your settlement to pay off credit card debt, you must have a plan to keep that debt from creeping back up on you or it will all have been for nothing.   This requires making a future budget and possibly consulting with a financial counselor to figure out how to keep out of such a financial mess in the future.

Your structured settlement or annuity is the foundation of your financial future. If you find yourself in financial need now, you should at the very least give yourself a couple more weeks to shop your deal to the competition.

You might be telling yourself that you cannot afford to wait, but the truth is that you cannot afford to take the first bid that you are offered. In some cases, jumping at the first offer could be the equivalent of financial suicide to a structured settlement owner.

It’s important to speak and deal with a company that knows the process well and can take you through it smoothly.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Jul 11

5 Things Before You Sell Your Structured Settlement

I many situations in the life, to get a lump sum is a must and you just cannot wait for the structured settlement annuity payments, which will come in the future. The market has operators, which can buy your structured settlement and to turn it into the cash money.

Many people, who have met sudden cost increases, like the increase in the medical bills, are the typical users, who are willing to sell their structured settlement annuity agreements. An owner can sell also only a part of the structured settlement annuity agreement.

1. You Need A Reputable Buyer.

The world is full of scam companies, who just want your money. The worst thing, which can happen is, that you will lose the agreement without getting anything. So what you need to do is to find a reputable buyer, to whom you can trust. Talk with their earlier customers and contact the Better Business Bureau.

2. Talk With The Legal Advisor.

But guarantee first, that this legal advisor is a legitimate operator. The advisor can guide you to pick the right buying company, rather a long term venture, who will do the payments as agreed. The advisor can also guide about the contract terms, especially those small print details.

3. Do You Know Your Rights?

First, to sell the structured settlement annuity agreement is totally legal process and accepted by the most states. Private persons have done these deals for years. However, only the legal advisor can tell you what is permitted and what rights you have in the process.

4. Evaluate The Position Of Your Structured Settlement In Your Long Term Financial Plan.

Why? Because the regular payments were parts of your earlier plan and were needed to guarantee, that you can manage all the payments. When you will sell the total agreement or a part of it, those regular payments will disappear totally or partly and you will get cash money instead. What happens?

5. The Expert Guidance And Several Offers Are Needed.

The selling of the structured settlement is a long term, legal arrangement, which includes, that you will fully understand the details and that you will pick trustworthy companies and other experts to operate with.

In this process talking to other people is really valuable. The more you get the expert guidance and the more you read, the better deal you will make. The worst thing is to make a deal in a hurry with the first company you meet.

If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.

Let Companies Compete to Buy your Structured Settlement!

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