Within the structured settlement sales industry, every company is not alike. If you are in need of a large lump sum of cash as soon as possible and have exhausted all other options, getting a lump sum of money in exchange for your future structured settlement payment rights may be the option for you. . Here are a few tips to help you get the most money out of your structured settlement sale:
1) Research Companies
* Check the company’s Better Business Bureau record. Ask yourself- Is the number of complaints reasonable? Do any complaints raise red flags that this company may be operating in an unethical fashion? Make decisions whether the company uses ethical business practices before you consider going any further with that company.
* Do a Google search on the company. Do you see any complaints? Have the ever gone through any bankruptcies?
* Get the opinion of outside sources and provide the sources with the information you have uncovered. Sometimes a different opinion can be a better opinion, or at the least, may provide you with a different point of view.
2) Get Several Quotes
* Don’t jump at the first offer you receive. Many times companies will lowball a quote to make more profit. After all, these companies are in business to make money and it’s YOUR job to make sure you get the best deal.
* Don’t disclose the quote amounts that you have received from the other companies or the names of the companies you have received quotes from. Use open ended questions to help you find out if the company is going to try and take advantage of you or if they are going to provide a great quote from the start. You will know who is looking out for your best interest once you use this tactic.
3) Closing Date Guarantee
In order to secure more transactions and higher profits, companies will use tactics such as “interest drag” to delay the closing on your structured settlement factoring transaction. Interest drag is the process of prolonging a structured settlement sale transaction to earn interest off the delayed time before the transaction is funded. Sometimes this can lead to thousands of dollars lost on your end.
* Get a guarantee that the closing will be within a reasonable time period. In most states an 8 week guarantee is usually sufficient.
* In the guarantee, demand that any delays will award the a per day amount be paid to you upon closing. This way you will know the company is not profiting by delaying you case.
By using these three tips, you can be sure you will receive the most money for your structured settlement.
If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.