If you are receiving cash payments as a settlement that resulted from a court decision in your favor, you might be getting frustrated with not being able to access all of the money owed to you. Did you know that an Annuity Buyer can purchase your cash payments from you and give you a large lump sum of cash right up front for them! This is a great way to get all of the cash owed to you all at once, and it doesn’t violate structured settlement laws. Now you can have a lump sum of cash to do whatever you want with, with no hassles or questions asked!
Unfortunately, finding an Annuity Buyer is not as easy as it sounds. If you would prefer your payments as one lump sum, then you can bet other people would too! Fortunately there are many companies, investment firms and affluent individuals who would be happy to take your payments off your hands at a small discount off the total amount. Before you decide that this sounds like a bad idea, remember that the amount owed to you is accruing interest. When this interest is subtracted you get roughly the same amount that an Annuity Buyer will offer you.
The benefit of selling your settlement payments to an Annuity Buyer is that you can invest the lump sum yourself and earn much higher interest than you would have been earning if it were paid to you monthly. Either that or you can splurge on a new car or a dream holiday that you always wanted, without feeling guilty about digging in to your savings! Whether you choose to invest this money or spend it, you should be able to have instant access to all fund that are owed to you.
There are some annuity buyers who will offer you better prices for your structured settlement than others. An Annuity Buyer will typically offer you between 7%-12%, depending on many different factors. Finding a company who offers you a competitive deal is not always easy, and that’s why we bring you QuoteMeAPrice.com! On our site you can post your structured settlement and have dozens of leading annuity buyers compete to purchase it! You can get quotes from as many different companies as you like, and get cash back for your structured settlement right away!
So if you are looking for an Annuity Buyer who will give you the best cash price for your structured settlement, you can find them on QuoteMeAPrice.com. Here you can see exactly who is giving you a good deal, and who is trying to rip you off! If you already have quotes, you can simple fill those in and we will not submit quotes from that company. QuoteMeAPrice.com is the easiest way to sell your structured settlement and get the lump sum of cash that is owed to you.
If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.