When a person is fortunate enough to be awarded a settlement or win a large cash prize, many think they will undoubtedly choose to get their money in a large lump sum, but this isn’t actually the case. Instead, most people choose to get their money through structured settlement payments. This allows them to have a steady source of reliable income, and helps eliminate the chance of blowing all the money immediately through impulsive purchasing.
Basically, you are agreeing to accept your money in incremental payments, made over a period of time. How these payments are set up, however, is up to you, and you can decide on how much or how little is paid with these payments. It is even possible to arrange for part of your money to be made in payments, with the rest given in a lump sum amount.
Though this process may seem like it takes vary little thought, the choice between a lump sum and regular payments is not always an easy choice to make. While some may think regular payments are the best option, sometimes there can be a need for larger amounts than is possible with a structured settlement. But once your payment details have been set and agreed upon by you and by the court, you will have limited access to those funds, except for the regular payments.
Sometimes people need more money than these payments can provide, and that’s when they realize the problem with structured settlement payments. Even though the money is yours, you don’t have access to it. Even so, a competent settlement broker can help you get a lump sum by working with you to sell your settlement. A broker can put you in contact with a company which specializes in purchasing settlement payments, granting you access to the lump sum payment you need to meet your financial needs. They have contacts with many companies, and can quickly get you many offers to compare and choose from. They can also help guide you through the process of selling your structured settlement.
Choosing the right broker, however, is very important. Not every company can put you in contact with the best company for you, and some firms can be unscrupulous. Making sure the company you’ve chosen has a reputation for high satisfaction customer service can be vital to achieving your goals.
If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.