Most of the time, an annuity is going to be a relatively small payment given yearly, or monthly with the case of some types of settlements. Having that money coming into your pocket each month can be nice, but sometimes, it just is not enough to take care of all of the emergencies that can crop up. Medical expenses, home repairs, and other issues could all cause huge problems in your life if you do not have the money to pay for them. Those who are receiving payments do have another option though.
You could consider finding an annuity buyer that would be able to purchase the payments from you and provide you with a much larger payment. This can be quite valuable for those who need to have money right away. However, you need to make sure that you are working with the best buyer possible and the right one for your needs. One of the things that you have to remember though is that if you do choose to sell the annuity, it could have some tax implications. Make sure to consider those when selling, and talk with a professional about how it could affect you and how you might need to claim them on your taxes.
Take your time to find a reputable annuity buyer who can work with you. Look at the offers from a couple of different companies so that you can be sure you are getting the best deal for the annuities you are selling. Get a number of quotes from those companies and research the companies to see how long they have been in business and what other users have to say about them. The more research you do now the happier you are going to be later. Find the buyer that is right for you.