News and Tips on structured settlement transfers.


February, 2014

Feb 14

Finding an Annuity Purchaser Online

Structured payments have been around for quite a while, and selling these payments and annuities has become commonplace today.  Selling these settlements and annuities can be a viable option for anyone who has a financial need greater than a structured payment can satisfy. Searching for a buyer online is one choice sellers often make, but it isn’t as easy and straightforward as it might seem. Before you start searching the internet for someone to buy your settlement, there are a few things you should understand.

Get the Facts

You should do your research and gather all the information you can before you go online to start your search. For example, take the information spouted during late-night infomercials with a grain of salt. The procedure for selling your payments or annuities is a little more complicated than simply making a phone call. The process is long and time consuming, and will depend on a judge’s decision before the sale can move forward.

Ask for Assistance

Whenever you are thinking of starting a search for a buyer, help from a competent and qualified person can be a great decision. Don’t look to the company offering to buy your settlement for help, though. Instead, choose a settlement broker, who can help you find the offer that is best for you, not the buyer. They can help you get the offers you want quickly, and know who the best buyers are in order to find you the best deal for your situation. Of course, you can do this by yourself, but you’ll lose the benefit of an experienced and intelligent assistant with knowledge of such matters.

Research your Broker

Never enter into a partnership with a broker that you haven’t check out thoroughly. You want help from someone with the background and education to guide you through this tricky process. Choose the broker with a history of providing quality care and service to their clients. Check with the Better Business Bureau to be certain your brokers have your best interest at heart, and not that of the company offering to buy your settlement. A broker is there to help both sides, but you need to be sure to protect yourself from any unscrupulous dealings.

There are many things to consider when deciding to look online for a buyer for your structured payments and annuities, but a competent and qualified broker can ease the stresses involved and make the process much smoother.

Feb 14

Finding the Structured Settlement Company that is Right for You

Structured settlement payments, provide a reliable, stable source of income for the long term financial future of people who receive them through winnings or settlements. Structured payments are better than lump sums for many reasons. Structured payments, for example, prevent people from spending all of their money at once, leaving them with a steady income paid over a set period of time. Even so, there could be situations that can occur where having a larger sum of money is necessary. A competent structured settlement company can be your best bet when these occasions arise.

Company Longevity

A good place to start when looking for a settlement company is to check how long they have been around. A company with a stable history behind it is always a solid choice, though there’s nothing wrong with working with a new company. However, newer companies won’t have the solid reputations and history of quality service that established companies will have. A newer company might be a solid, trustworthy business just getting started on the market. Or, they can close and disappear tomorrow.

Quality Service

You also need to take into consideration a company’s reputation for dependable service. Everyone wants to choose the best, most reputable company, but determining a company’s reputation can be a challenging task. Most customer reviews on a company website should be viewed with a critical eye; a better place to find the information you need is at the Better Business Bureau. This is a great tool for researching many aspects of the company in question. From their business practices, satisfaction ratings, and history, this is a great way to determine if you are looking at a legitimate and honest company, or a fly-by-night operation that will cause you more pain than they are worth.

Getting Results Quickly

If there is anything that the leading structure settlement companies will have in common, it will be the ability to get you a variety of quotes from buyers in a short amount of time. This allows you to look at the competing offers and compare them in short order, with no long waiting periods. This will enable you to get compare companies and pick the offer that best meets your needs.

Thoroughly researching and comparing structured settlement companies will enable you to take full advantage of the money that is owed to you, and help you get the deal that is best meets your needs.

Feb 14

Helpful Tips for Selling Your Annuity Payments

A reliable and steady income from annuity payments or structured settlements is essential for many people to live comfortable and stable life. Sometimes, however, a situation arises that requires a larger lump sum than is possible with payments. When this happens, having access to a large sum of money can be the difference in turning a bad situation around. Selling your settlement may be an option when the need arises, but careful consideration must be taken to decide if you really want to sell.

A Matter of Time

Time is but one of many factors you need to consider when you are thinking about selling your settlement. If you need money immediately, then selling your structured settlement is probably not going to be the best option. It can take a month or longer to go through the process of selling your settlement, depending on your state and local laws concerning the practice, and any court decisions regarding your need to sell. You must weigh the time factor heavily if you are thinking about selling, if your needs cannot wait, you may want to seek other options.

Options for Sellers

Before you sell your settlement, you should think about exactly why you need to sell for a lump sum. If you rely on the regular, smaller payments to pay bills and meet financial obligations, then only sell a small amount of your settlement. If need be you can sell larger amounts, even the full amount of your settlement, if you absolutely must have a large lump sum of money. You should be aware, however, that once you sell your settlement, you are no longer entitled to any payments other than your lump sum payout.

Possible Fees are Another Consideration

Sometimes, there are large fees, called surrender fees, which you should consider before making your decision. Taxes on your settlement or annuity may also need to be paid as well. Work with an expert firm, with a reputation for connecting sellers and buyers, which can be helpful when making these considerations. Working with a brokerage or firm can help you get all the information you need to make smart, well-informed decisions concerning your annuity payments.

When you decide to hire a brokerage firm, make sure to research them carefully, and look for one with a reputation for putting sellers in touch with the best, highest quality companies. The will ensure you get exactly what you need to meet your financial goals.

Feb 14

How Structured Settlement Money can Help You Meet Today’s Needs

Many structured settlements are the result of winning a personal injury case, or a liability case, against a company or individual that caused harm to come to you. Financial settlements are set up to help ease monetary struggles and meet your current needs, but these needs, like many other factors, can change over time. Still, many need the steady and reliable income for making today’s ends meet.

Life is Dynamic

Life is an ever changing process. Change is often a major part of the process, and can be a good thing, though sometimes it isn’t. For example, personal injury settlements can help pay for medical expense that were the result of your injury. But what if you have permanently lost your means of support after the injury? What if you have significant debt and are now facing daily calls from the bill collectors? When these situations arise, monthly payments may not be enough to change your situation, and a larger lump sum of cash is what is needed to rectify your problem.

Using your Settlement to Meet Your Needs

Once your case is settled, and your settlement terms are set up and agreed upon, you’re stuck with it. You can’t go back and change your terms to meet the rising costs and changing needs you are faced with today. However, there is an alternative; there are companies that will buy your settlement for a lump sum, which you can then use to remedy your situation and help you meet your goals.

A Simple Solution

There are several ways a company can purchase your settlement payments or annuities in order to help you meet your financial needs. For instance, you can sell only a part of your settlement for a small lump sum that can help you through the difficult times.  Conversely, you can also sell your entire settlement for an even larger sum, but you will no longer receive any settlement payments after that. Even though your payments will no longer be coming, you can get the most money possible in this way, which can go a long way toward solving your money problems.

This can be a simple and easy solution, but it isn’t that simple. In order to get the best deal possible, you should work with a reputable broker, who can guide you through the process and help you make the best financial decisions concerning your settlement. A skilled and competent broker can introduce you to the best companies for buying settlements, and help you get the help you need to make a positive change, no matter what your situation is.

Let Companies Compete to Buy your Structured Settlement!

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