Your reason for want to sell your structured settlement payments does not need to be a desperate need for a large amount of money, it dos not need to be for some exotic new medical treatment, it does not need to be to save your home or even to pay down large credit debt. All your reason “needs” to be is one thing- approved by the court. Now, I am most definitely not advocating that you sell your structured settlement payments to buy that dream Ferrari you’ve always wanted and then be left with not even enough money to pay to insure the thing. But I am trying to illustrate to you that your reason for selling just needs to be found to be in your best interest by the court. Only you can assess your particular needs, however here are my 9 favorite reasons to sell your payments.
1. The desire to acquire a business leads many people to sell their structured settlement; they see the acquisition of their own business as an investment in their future, and believe the capital to get them started, in the form of selling their structured settlement, will have bigger payoffs later on or will lead to positive cash flow over a longer period than if they just stayed with the settlement payments.
2. For those who went in with a group to purchase a lottery ticket, selling the annuity can be particularly appealing. Often in these situations, one or more members of the group will be fine with long term payments, while others my want or need their cash now in one lump sum. Unfortunately, Lotteries pay our based on the ticket; not by how many people “went in on it”. Meaning, the only way to satisfy everyone would be to sell the payments and divide the lump sum.
3. Paying off existing debt is the number one most common reason people choose to sell their structured settlement payment. If you take a look at your existing debts, you could be shocked to realize how much interest you are paying on credit cards, your home or car, turning the decision to sell your structured settlement into a financially responsible choice. Not to mention, rates on structured settlement sales transactions are much lower than normal credit card interest rates at this time.
4. Returning to college is in the top three reasons people cash in a structured settlement. This is a wonderful way for you to use money awarded to you from an accident to help train you to do new job; leading to long term cash flow in the future.
5. Emergencies can happen to anyone, anytime, whether they are medical emergencies, the loss of a job, or necessary home repairs which can cost a small fortune. Selling a structured settlement can often be a cheaper choice than taking out a loan and then paying interest to pay for these emergencies.
6. Many people cash in their structured settlement in order to purchase real estate. Taking the lump sum received from the sale of the structured settlement and using it to purchase rental properties could end up bringing in a rental payment which exceeds the previously received monthly disbursements—a smart choice!
7. Employment changes can be a compelling reason to sell your structured settlement, as losing a job can be traumatic, both financially and emotionally.
8. Buying a home, or a vacation home are common reasons to sell a structured settlement, as, again, such as purchase can add real long-term value to your financial portfolio.
9. Wealth transfer planning can be a motivator to sell a structured settlement; such a plan must be started during your lifetime, and certainly the sooner the better.
If you need help selling your structured settlement, annuity or lottery payments,
contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you obtain the
highest possible price for your payments.
Tags: cash for structured settlement, sell payments, sell settlement, sell structured settlement, selling payments